Friday, April 2, 2010

Strengths Finder

Concept: Strengths are what you do to make you feel positive. Weaknesses are what you do to make you feel weak.

These are my top 5 strengths:


People who are especially talented in the Relator theme enjoy close relationships with others. They find deep satisfaction in working hard with friends to achieve a goal.


People who are especially talented in the Input theme have a craving to know more. Often they like to collect and archive all kinds of information.


People who are especially talented in the Analytical theme search for reasons and causes. They have the ability to think about all the factors that might affect a situation.


People who are especially talented in the Learner theme have a great desire to learn and want to continuously improve. In particular, the process of learning, rather than the outcome, excites them.


People who are especially talented in the Ideation theme are fascinated by ideas. They are able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena.

CMA Networking Night

From Mike Murray: (Telus Finance Leadership Program)
-"What got you here won't get you there"
-"lateral thinking" -- If you can't do X, what else could you do? (when X seems like the only solution)
-Set up your Strategy (for 5 years)
-Network "It's not what you know, it's who you know"

From another CMA
-Communicate where you want to be with those who you work with. They can't help you or promote you to a position you want if they don't know your personal goals. Make sure it's realistic and have a plan to get there. You can't walk into a VPs office and say I aspire to have your position, rather, prove why you can get there.

From Rieghardt Van Enter:
-Absolutely brilliant guy! He held the attention of 1/2 the table at one point.
-Tips to succeed:
1) Be a Sponge and always learn
2) Be confident. I asked him what confidence meant as someone who starts out cannot possibly be confident in their technical skillset to be able to accomplish more than someone who is senior. He thought about this, and this is his concept of confidence:
Have confidence in that you can tackle any problem. If you get a hard assignment, have confidence that you will work your hardest to do the best job you can be. It may not be right, but others will appreciate that you've tried and respect the effort and thinking you've put into it. (I think this also leads to the opportunties that are presented to you as someone who is willing to try their hardest at everything).

He made me think that it doesn't matter what designation you get. If you're good, people will promote you and people will hire you.